Research on the figures from the Central for Credits to individuals at the National Bank of Belgium indicates that excess debt is a terrible reality. In the first 7 months of 2017, 8.788 new applications were submitted to start the procedure. In addition, there are 94,731 ongoing applications. This high number of collective debt schemes clearly indicates that excess debt is a socio-economic problem.
In this research, a sample of files were investigated of real people starting the procedure. Who is starting with the procedure? Is it mainly young people? Are it mainly families with children?
In addition, the characteristics of the total debt burden are examined. Is the indebtedness of the unemployed greater than those of retired individuals? Does the procedure take longer if the amount of debt is greater?
Finally, the “types” of debt that are most strongly represented in the total debt burden of individuals in the collective debt scheme are analyzed.
De Boever Jonathan, De Groote Bertel, Everaert Patricia, Voet Stefaan, 2017, Collectieve schuldenregeling: profielonderzoek van personen in de procedure van collectieve schuldenregeling, Tijdschrift voor Procesrecht en Bewijsrecht, 2017-3, Vol. 25, p. 102-117