Prof. dr. Patricia Everaert and prof. dr. Joan Ballantine on “Getting research published”

At the Accounting Education 2017 SIG Conference of the British Accounting and Finance Association, prof. dr. Joan Ballantine (Professor of Accounting at UIster Univerballantinesity, Belfast) and Patricia Everaert (Professor of Accounting at Ghent University) provided a session for young academics on “Insights into the Process of Getting Published”.  Each presenting one of their published papers, Joan and Patricia highlighted the pitfalls and shared their top five to get research published in a high ranked journal.

In addition, Dr. Kyriaki Belgiazi (Oxford Brookes University, UK) presented her paper belgiazion “Teaching Quantitative Methods: A reflective commentary on diversity in student learning” at the Accounting Education 2017 SIG Conference of the British Accounting and Finance Association.  Patricia Everaert was the discussant and shared ideas for future research.

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