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- Costing system design and honesty in managerial reporting: An experimental examination of multi-agent budget and capacity reporting
- Review ratings, sentiment in review comments, and restaurant profitability: firm-level evidence.
- A Little Push in The Back: Nudging Students to Improve Procrastination, Class Attendance and Preparation
- Small and medium-sized accounting practices (SMPs): Explaining financial performance based on human capital and organizational resources
- New publication in Management Accounting Research
- The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions?
- Distinguished Reviewer Award 2022 for Sophie Hoozée
- Does Practice Make Perfect? The Effect of Online Formative Assessments on Students’ Self-Efficacy and Test Anxiety
- New publication in Accountancy & Bedrijfskunde
- New publication in the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
- Nieuwe editie handboek Management Accounting
- New publication in the Journal of Management Control
- User-generated reviews and the financial performance of restaurants
- The hurdle model: Analysing the influence of country characteristics on participation in IPSASB’s due process
- Fostering team work skills by design thinking
- Design thinking, problem solving and creativity
- New publication in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
- New publication in Management Accounting Research
- Harmonising public sector accounting laws and regulations of the EU member states: powers and competences
- Finance talks a lot about transformation, but has a long way to go
- And then there was COVID-19: do the benefits of cooperative learning disappear when switching to online education?
- New publication: Website module to guide students in writing a critical report on the performance of a company
- Entrepreneurial intentions of business students: a matter of masculinity and femininity
- Business planning for starters: Accountants do make a difference
- How to stimulate Online formative assessment (OFA) of students in accounting?
- COVID-19 and Accounting Education: the Belgian Case
- Enkelvoudig boekhouden: nieuwe editie verschenen
- Chapter in Routledge Handbook of Environmental Accounting
- Sophie Hoozée joins editorial board of AAAJ
- New publication on time estimation errors in costing systems
- New teaching case!
- The Importance of Mutual Understanding Between External Accountants and Owner–Managers of SMEs
- Choice-based learning: lecture-based or team learning?
- Does the CEO matter for environmental and social reporting?
- Culture and management control interdependence
- Affiliation of local audit firms with Big4 auditors and capital structure: Evidence from Indonesia
- Heritage assets in the due process of the IPSAS Board
- Sophie Hoozée joins Editorial Board of SEAJ
- Using time-driven activity based costing to calculate radiotherapy costs
- Credibility of CSR disclosures
- Review article: The expressive role of performance measurement systems
- Exploring the efficacy of EU law concerning payments to governments reports
- Entrepreneurship education and gender in Europe
- ABC or TDABC: who wins the horse race?
- Management accounting: 11th edition now available
- Governmental accounting practitioners: cardigan removed, research agenda revealed
- The Importance of Mutual Understanding between External Accountants and Owner–Managers of SMEs
- New textbook in English: Management Control: Concepts, Methods and Practices
- New edition of the book “Financiële analyse van de onderneming” by Ooghe, Vander Bauwhede and Van Wymeersch
- New edition of "Boekhouden in de praktijk"
- Who arrives in excess debt as a person and why?
- Who are the readers of the Annual Accounts in Belgium?
- Advantages and disadvantages of the 9 types of corporations for start-ups?
- The impact of society on management control systems
- How can managers’ participation in costing system design stimulate process improvement?
- Who influences the design of management accounting systems?
- Els De Wielemaker in "Accountancy en Bedrijfskunde"
- Els De Wielemaker comments on the advices of the Belgian Accounting Standards Board
- The relationship between motivation, learning approaches, academic performance and time spent
- Els De Wielemaker comments on the advices of the Belgian Accounting Standards Board
- Let’s do it safely: Sophie Hoozée publishes case study on Altrad Balliauw’s best practice
- New edition of "Wetboek accountancy en fiscaliteit 2016-2017"
- Ph.D. Tutor Award: Patricia Everaert wins, Tom Vanacker nominated
- Students bring future of education closer with apps, games and webslides
- Els De Wielemaker in BBB Flash "Boekhouden anno 2016"
- Book "Europese boekhoudrichtlijn en omzetting ervan in Belgisch recht"
- Update published of "Boekhouden in de praktijk"
- "Budgetteren en werk-gerelateerde stress" published in MAB
- Cost accounting, linked with the financial accounting system: fully reviewed version now available
- Ignace De Beelde appointed as Associate Editor of Issues in Accounting Education
- How to reduce slack in your company?
- Evelien Opdecam wins BAFA Best Paper Award 2015