Prof. dr. Philippe Van Cauwenberge
ProfessorGhent UniversityDept. Accounting, Corporate Finance & TaxationBiography
Philippe Van Cauwenberge is associate professor at the department of Accounting, Corporate Finance and Taxation. He teaches the courses “Research methods in accountancy”, “IFRS” and “Consolidation” in the master of Business Economics, and “Financial Analysis” in the Master of Business Economics.
International Financial Reporting Standards
Research Methods in Accounting
Analysis of Financial Reports
Research Methods in Accounting
Analysis of Financial Reports
His research focuses on the relation between government action and the financial health of corporation, within the context of Flanders.
Abacus Best Paper Award 2007 for ‘On the IASB Comprehensive Income Project: An Analysis of the Case for Dual Income Display’, Abacus, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-26, USD 5.000
Editorial boards and refereeing
- Referee: Small Business Economics, Service Industries Journal, Corporate Governance: An International review, Environment and Planning C, Journal of Business Economics & Management, Accounting and Business Research, British Accounting Review